🌐 πŸ€“ πŸ›°οΈ


πŸ›°οΈ πŸ€“ 🌐

virtually connecting indie makers, hackaguers,
who code, design, build, ship

meeting other indies
IRL is absolutely magical

but when that's not possible,
connecting online
could be the next best thing.

what if we can
recreate this magic online?

Some of the best parts of hackagu were always:
- meeting, chatting
- demos, feedback
- new perspectives & bouncing ideas

The large majority of hackaguers
were always distributed
all over the world

Time to get together?

to the telebeam!

πŸ“Ί live video group demos πŸ“Ί

The same, proven format we're all used to, with a few tweaks:

---- Structure:

Round 1:
Live intros + demos (total: 2.5 min each)
- "what did you get done this week?"" (1 min - show)
- what’s in for next week? (1 min - tell)
- something interesting about yourself? (0.5 min - share)

Round 2:
Ask questions, talk challenges
‍(2-4 min each, depending on group size)

Round 3:
Open discussion at the end

The exact schedule, group sizes & and meeting frequency
- to be decided based on matching and testing
- 4 people per group seems to be the sweet spot
- aiming to do at least 1 meet/mo

- if you ever attended YC online startup school calls before, this should be somewhat familiar. Except the aim here is to build longer term bonds, and obviously - all is indie)

Sign up Below

if you're interested

Got Questions?


- drop your info and question in the form above

Some Quick Answers


Who is attending?

Once you sign up, you'll receive a list of attendees with names and short descriptions.
You'll be matched based on your timezone preferences and some Peak Precision Pairingβ„’.
Also aiming to include special guests, when schedules align.


Who is organizing?

Mainly Cso at the moment, started hackagu in 2019, was away for a long time, back now - cso.works/events



There are a lot of amazing indies who can't attend events irl on a regular. Overlapping and meeting each other live is kind of rare and random.

Besides a few lines of text in chats, maybe X following, people who can't attend regularly don't really know each other or stay in touch.

There can be so much more to this, which is also why Hackagu was created in the first place.

We're all flying solo, but good to remember the "No (wo)man is an island"


Why Now?

With so many new ideas and physical places popping up, going remote-cyber-tele-connected seemed like the next logical step to explore. The seed of the "online approach" was planted around the beginnings, in 2019, when a lot of hackaguers were attending irl events, but also logging in every week to the YC Startup School group calls.


Does the telebeam hurt, is it safe to use?

Only hurts your concepts of space and time, and it's 200% safer than texting while walking.

Are you ready to get telebeamed?

Yes? Sort of?

Ok, go sign up.